Banks For Your LoadXtreme Deposits
LoadXtreme Dealers and Retailers for Metro Manila and other provinces can now deposit on the following banks without any charges except as indicated. Deposit fee has been waived.
Equitable PCI Bank Savings Account # 0260-15567-9
RCBC Commercial Bank Savings Account # 1223-357268
Asia Trust Savings Account # 1601-331043
Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) Current Account # 4021-0108-77
Union Bank Current Account # 00-034-001360-6
Metrobank Savings Account #167–3–16751589-5
Philippine National Bank (PNB)Savings Account # 264-830710-4
Bills Payment Sched: Tue to Thu 12nn to 3pm
Charges for Metro Manila and Provincial deposits - P10.00
Edit: These are the bank account details you can use if you are already a registered dealer or retailer. Do not deposit here if you are not yet registered. To register, read How to Become a LoadXtreme Dealer / Retailer.